Friday, October 15, 2010

I want something chocolate.. not to sweet.. not to heavy!

Yesterday, my husband I laying on the sofa, watching food tv made us want something good for dessert. Something homemade that could be easy and fast to make. Well I had a chocolate cake mix box but wanted to somehow make it my own. Here's what I did!

I followed the measurements on the box, but instead of adding the oil and the water, I added Diet Coke, its about a 1/2 a cup.  Im not a fan of diet coke, but it was a toss up between artificial sweetener or fat and since BIG (my husband) is addicted to Diet Coke, it was the only thing in my pantry. So, I picked the artificial sweetener. I had some half and half (low-fat version) that my husband uses to make coffee - I added about two tablespoons of that, thinking it will help keep the cake moist. And three eggs.

Depending on the cooking pan that you have it usually takes about 30-35 minutes.  Always use the trick of putting a knife or a toothpick to see if the cakes done. Don't forget to spray the pan or brush oil or butter before pouring the cake batter.

Instead of using traditional icing which is packed with god knows what and is way to sweet for most of us, I used Nutella. Ahh Nutella so nice and rich. You can find it at any grocery store near the peanut butter.

I let the cake cool for about 15 minutes spread Nutella on the top and it was done!

It turned out great! And its even better the next day warm with vanilla ice cream!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So wait a minute, Raksha. You mean to tell me that you used NO butter, oil, shortening, or even PAM in this delightfully delectable confection!

    That's simply amazing..

  3. Thanks dona! You're right. I only used oil to lightly brush the pan.
